Youth Ambassador Program

Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them. 

– John C. Maxwell

Children’s Literacy Center’s Youth Ambassador Program engages high school students who have completed one semester of tutoring and are passionate about making a difference in their community.

Youth Ambassadors are a critical face of Children’s Literacy Center’s Peak Reader program and are responsible for program promotion and recruitment of volunteers.

Youth Ambassadors have the  opportunity to enhance leadership skills and confidence as they work to create and implement a plan to promote Children’s Literacy Center’s mission within schools and communities. You can promote Children’s Literacy Center’s in whatever way works best for you, whether through word of mouth, friends, or presentations to school clubs, churches, or other groups.

Youth Ambassadors will recruit new volunteer tutors for the Children’s Literacy Center via social media outlets, school clubs, other school outlets, or any outside resources. The program will benefit participants by strengthening college resumes, as well as applying leadership skills to a job resume, along with many other benefits. Additionally, Ambassadors will have the opportunity to receive scholarships of up to $2,500.

If you are interested in becoming a Youth Ambassador or have any questions please send an email to Kaitlin,